Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oracle: Failed to initialize GPnP

Received error: Failed to initialize GPnP, during Oracle 11gR2 Grid installation.
This failure occurred in the step after running the, "Oracle Private Interconnect Configuration Assistant".
This error occurs when oracle tries to execute "oifcfg setif".
Error Stack:

INFO: Started Plugin named: Oracle Private Interconnect Configuration Assistant
INFO: Found associated job
INFO: Starting 'Oracle Private Interconnect Configuration Assistant'
INFO: Starting 'Oracle Private Interconnect Configuration Assistant'
INFO: Failed to initialize GPnP
INFO: Completed Plugin named: Oracle Private Interconnect Configuration Assistant
INFO: Oracle Private Interconnect Configuration Assistant failed.
INFO: Oracle Private Interconnect Configuration Assistant failed.

The issue occurs when we start installation with a wrong ORA_NLS10 environment parameter. Best is to unset the variable before installation or change it to point to $GRID_HOME/nls/data:

unset ORA_NLS10
export ORA_NLS10=$GRID_HOME/nls/data

After doing that run the command:
[root@node1 oracle]# oifcfg setif -global eth1/
[root@node2 oracle]# oifcfg setif -global eth1/

Here eth1 is interconnect interface, is the subnet for the interconnect IP address.

Syntax details for oifcfg command:

oifcfg - Oracle Interface Configuration Tool.

Usage: oifcfg iflist [-p [-n]]
oifcfg setif {-node | -global} {/:}...
oifcfg getif [-node | -global] [ -if [/] [-type ] ]
oifcfg delif [{-node | -global} [[/]]]
oifcfg [-help]

- name of the host, as known to a communications network
- name by which the interface is configured in the system
- subnet address of the interface
- type of the interface { cluster_interconnect | public }